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Naologic vs Accounting Seed

High-level description

Accounting Seed is native to the Salesforce Platform and combines accounting and ERP for a full view of the business. It is designed so users can manage General Ledger, Billing & Cash receipts, Accounts Payable & Cash Disbursements, PSA, and Project Accounting on one platform with the flexibility and automation needed to run a business. The application tracks financial data through the entire business lifecycle; from marketing, project implementation, product sales, back office accounting, to producing financial statements designed by the user. Features include: -User defined core financial report layouts -Order management -Inventory Control -Perfect for Construction and Government Contracting -Multiple configurable invoice formats -Auto service billing from time cards -Accounts Payable and Cash Disbursements -Fund Accounting (non-profit) -Deferred revenue/expense in multiple configurations -Scheduled transactions with any project or GL account -Flexible Project Accounting and work breakdown structure -Project Profitability against multiple budgets -Labor costing at actual or standard rates -Material costing to project -PSA management -Planned resource allocations per project by hour -Utilization load and planning with conflict identification

Business impact
Who owns Accounting seed?


Tony Zorc, founder and CEO of Accounting Seed, developed a passion for software while working with technology to automate finances and make work more effective.
What is seed accounting?


Accounting Seed is a full accrual accounting and ERP solution driven by Salesforce. Our platform records financial data through the whole business lifecycle; from marketing, project execution, product sales, back office accounting, to producing financial statements customized by you.
How much does accounting seed cost?


Accounting Seed Price Overview Accounting Seed pricing starts at $3960.00 per feature, per year. They do not have a free version. Accounting Seed offers a free trial.
Who owns Accounting seed?


Tony Zorc, founder and CEO of Accounting Seed, developed a passion for software while working with technology to automate finances and make work more effective.
How much does accounting seed cost?


Accounting Seed Price Overview Accounting Seed pricing starts at $3960.00 per feature, per year. They do not have a free version. Accounting Seed offers a free trial.
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Free lifetime updates
Free lifetime updates
  • Open source design system
  • Automated feature upgrades
  • Templates
  • Security updates
Infrastructure and security
Infrastructure and security
  • SSL everywhere
  • Automated backups
  • Log scanning and alerts
  • 24/7 monitoring