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Naologic vs Borneosoft Payment Forms

High-level description

Borneosoft's online forms provide a table/spreadsheet with built-in formulas. The uses of the table/spreadsheet are almost endless. Create order forms with a product or service table for your customers to choose from, and the payment form automatically calculates the total amount payable.

Business impact
What does payment advice mean?


Payment advise notes It is usually sent by the supplier to the customer to acknowledge receipt of payment. Payment advice is supplied by customers to the seller. This is issued by the customer to the supplier that an invoice has been paid and it gives the invoice reference and date as well.
What is a remittance receipt?


In short, remittance advise is a proof of payment document delivered by a client to a business. Normally, it's used when a consumer wishes to let a business know when an invoice has been paid. In a way, remittance slips are equal to cash register receipts.
What should a remittance advice look like?


Basic remittance advice – Basic note or letter giving the invoice number and the payment amount. Removable invoice advice – An invoice that comes with a removable remittance slip that customers are encouraged to fill in. Scannable remittance advice – Remittance slips that can be scanned for electronic recordkeeping.
What is email remittance?


Remittance advice is a letter sent by a customer to a supplier to advise the supplier that their invoice has been paid. ... The employee who opens the incoming mail should immediately compare the quantity of cash received with the amount mentioned on the remittance advice.
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