High-level description

TCS is an inventory management software offering from MicroWest Software Systems. TCS is a tool and material management system that gives you complete control without any database or programming knowledge.

Business impact
What exactly TCS does?


Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) is a software and services company in India. It is part of the Tata Group, which manages operations for over 100 firms in seven core sectors: communications and information technology, engineering, materials, services, energy, consumer products and chemicals.
Is TCS good for Career?


Approximately 16% of employees voted TCS for offering a pleasant and healthy work environment. Colleagues are the people with whom you spend most of your time at office. Also, for operating a project successfully, an understanding and cooperative team is an vital necessity.
Is getting job in TCS easy?


Recruiting through the campus recruitment channel is among the easiest ways to obtain job with TCS since you are simply competing against your peers. To apply, a candidate must have a minimum aggregate of 60% in all exams since Class X in the first attempt.
What is TCS course?


About this Course TCS iON Career Edge - Young Professional is a free to access 15-day career preparedness course that has been built with the purpose to educate the youth of today with fundamental employability skills to take on the future.
What is TCS stand for?


The abbreviation TCS stands for traction control system, a function that is on all current automobiles and prevents the drive wheels from losing grip on slick roads. Here's how it works.
What does TCS stand for in education?


TCS Education Abbreviation
What does TCS stand for in construction?


TCS Construction Abbreviation
What does TCKS mean in texting?


Summary of Important Points "Third Culture Child" is the most prevalent definition for TCK on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. TCK. Definition: Third Culture Kid.
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