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Naologic vs Website Penalty Indicator

High-level description

Website Penalty Indicator is a search engine optimization software solution offered by FEInternational.

Business impact
How do you know if a website is penalized?


On Google, search for site: and verify the results. If Google states that there are no results discovered, it is quite likely your website has been punished. Lastly analyze the SEO team or agency's procedures.
How do you penalize a website?


Almost every guide on website analysis will inform you that you can analyze a site's performance by doing any or all of these actions: Do an SEO audit. Test website speed. Perform competitor analysis....
What is search penalty?


A search engine penalty is an action taken against a website engaged in deceptive or black hat SEO practices. Google's definition of a "penalty" is some manual action taken against a site, contrasted to the automated consequence of an algorithm or quality filter.
What is Google penalty check in SEO?


A Google Penalty is a negative effect inflicted on a website's ranks based on adjustments made to Google's search algorithms. Penalties can be the consequence of an algorithm update or suspicion of black-hat SEO methods such as questionable links or keyword-stuffing.
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  • Open source design system
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Infrastructure and security
Infrastructure and security
  • SSL everywhere
  • Automated backups
  • Log scanning and alerts
  • 24/7 monitoring