Contact Management
Contact Management
Add, edit, delete, import and filter all individual and company contacts for your organization in a performant and blazing fast contact management app.
Built by
Medical Distribution GPO
App type
Last update
Feb 14, 2024
Key feature

Import thousands of contacts in seconds

Easily migrate your contacts from other platforms through an intelligent import and matching capability, built to make it as easy as possible for you to get up and running.

Company and individual contacts in one place
Company and individual contacts in one place
Store all your contacts in one place. Tie company contacts directly to sales orders, purchasing, invoicing and HR apps. View contact profiles with a profile-style summary of each contact.
Company and individual contacts in one place
Customize contact fields to your needs
Every organization has different needs, therefore, the data each company needs to run in the most efficient manner naturally differs too.
Customize contact fields to your needs