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Naologic vs add*ONE

High-level description

add*ONE is an inventory management software offering from INFORM. It includes features such as self-adapting forecasts and calculation of cost-effective order proposals.

Business impact
Is addons a word?


No, addon is not in the scrabble dictionary.
What is another word for multiply?


Other popular synonyms of multiply include augment, enlarge, and increase. While all these words indicate "to make or become greater," multiply denotes increase in number by natural generation or by infinite repetition of a process.
What is an adjoin?


transitive verb. 1 : to add or attach by joining. 2 : to lie near to or in contact with. intransitive verb.
What's another word for adds to?


What is another word for adds to?
What is the meaning of add one?


verb. If you add one thing to another, you put it in or on the other thing, to increase, complete, or improve it. Add the grated cheese to the sauce. [ VERB noun + to]
Is add-on one word?


being installed or offered as an add-on: an add-on speaker system.
What is an adjoin?


transitive verb. 1 : to add or attach by joining. 2 : to lie near to or in contact with. intransitive verb.
What are words that mean add?


Synonyms & Antonyms of add. adjoin,annex,append,subjoin,tack (on)
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