High-level description

Ahrefs is a software company that develops online SEO tools and free educational materials for marketing professionals. Ahrefs all-in-one SEO toolset can help users with: Competitor research: unveil competitor's organic keywords, backlink strategies and PPC keywordsLink Building: find the strongest backlink opportunities in a nicheKeyword Research: get maximum relevant keyword ideas and see how hard it would be to rankWebsite Audit: find what SEO issues a website has and learn how to fix them Content Research: discover the most popular content on any topic and find the best ideas for contentRank Tracking: track search rankings along with competitors'Mentions Monitoring: get email alerts every time a brand is mentioned online.The vendor states the Ahrefs database has 8 billion keywords and 421 billion indexed pages, and that this enables Ahrefs is able to provide maximum data and accuracy to its users.

Business impact
What is Ahrefs used for?


Ahrefs is usually used to examine a website's link profile, keyword ranks, and SEO health. You can also use Ahrefs to conduct keyword research for Google, YouTube, and Amazon. And many people use Ahrefs to identify material that's performed well (in terms of social shares and/or links) on a specific topic.
Why is Ahrefs so expensive?


SEMrush buys data from other firms and is in partnerships and they have their added fees which make the tool pricey, While it is not the case with Ahrefs, Ahrefs does not buy data from other companies like SEMrush does rather it goes one step ahead and crawls the entire internet as Google does. Absolutely.
Is Ahrefs a software?


Ahrefs is a software firm that develops online SEO tools and free training materials for marketing professionals. Ahrefs all-in-one SEO toolset may help you with: Competition research: reveal your competitor's organic keywords, backlink techniques and PPC keywords.
Is Ahrefs worth the money?


Strong Data: A tool like Ahrefs is only as good as its data. Whether it's search volume, backlinks, rankings or social shares, the data in Ahrefs is extremely good. Great Site Audit Feature: I find the Ahrefs site audit tool to be one of the best out there. And even on par with tools that specialize in site audits.
What is Ahrefs used for?


Ahrefs is usually used to examine a website's link profile, keyword ranks, and SEO health. You can also use Ahrefs to conduct keyword research for Google, YouTube, and Amazon. And many people use Ahrefs to identify material that's performed well (in terms of social shares and/or links) on a specific topic.
Is Ahrefs a software?


Ahrefs is a software firm that develops online SEO tools and free training materials for marketing professionals. Ahrefs all-in-one SEO toolset may help you with: Competition research: reveal your competitor's organic keywords, backlink techniques and PPC keywords.
Is Ahrefs the best SEO tool?


In other words: Which tool is best for discovering technical SEO problems (and opportunities)? Similar with my backlink research, I put my site through each of their site audit tools. Ahrefs awarded my site an overall SEO health score of 81%.
What is Ahrefs in SEO?


Ahrefs.com is a well-known toolset for backlinks and SEO analysis. ... - Site Audit tool will evaluate your website for typical SEO issues & monitor your SEO health over time; - Alerts will keep you aware of new & lost backlinks, web mentions and keywords rankings.
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