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Naologic vs Aptos Assortment Planning and Buying by TXT Retail

High-level description

Aptos acquired TXT Retail in July 2017 to expand their supply chain and inventory optimization capabilities, and so now offers Assortment Planning and Buying, powered by TXT Retail, applications dedicated to advanced customer-centric planning and optimization of supply and supply channels.

Business impact
What is assortment planning in retail?


Assortment planning in retail is the act of selecting the products that a shop wishes to sell during a given period to optimize profitability. In other terms, it implies that retailers pick what merchandise they should acquire and offer to their customers.
Is Aptos an ERP?


Decrypt distribution. Put our comprehensive retail ERP suite of connected systems to work to manage your merchandise in every channel and location.
What is buying and planning in retail?


Merchandise Buying entails buying items from vendors and wholesalers at the greatest possible cost to generate maximum profitability. Merchandise Buying and Planning work hand in hand as the buyer must grasp the merchandising financial strategy and what products will drive sales in that category.
Why is assortment planning important?


Designing an Assortment offers you with a clear direction as to how to break up the spend to give each and every store a relevant variety, which supports their sales, fits in their space and works to their strengths.
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Free lifetime updates
  • Open source design system
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Infrastructure and security
Infrastructure and security
  • SSL everywhere
  • Automated backups
  • Log scanning and alerts
  • 24/7 monitoring