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Naologic vs BrightEdge

High-level description

BrightEdge is an enterprise-level SEO (Search Engine Optimization) platform from the company of the same name in San Mateo, California. It includes customizable dashboards, reporting, forecasting, SEO recommendations, backlink management and competitive analysis. It covers local, global, mobile, social and content centric SEO. Presently BrightEdge's platform supports the marketing efforts of many well-brands, like Nike, Microsoft, and Netflix.

Business impact
Is BrightEdge a good company?


BrightEdge is especially well-suited for enterprise-level organizations who have a bit more money to spend. The product is most definitely worth it if you have a well-established SEO team that is ready to move beyond the fundamentals and really dig into the data-driven decision-making realm. BrightEdge is highly strong.
What does BrightEdge do?


BrightEdge is a Silicon Valley content performance and SEO company that's on the leading edge. Part of that means that we're continually inventing and testing new technology that prepares our customers for changes to the search algorithms, content performance, content marketing, and digital marketing in general.
Where is BrightEdge located?


BrightEdge is venture-backed by some of the leading venture investors in the Silicon Valley. The company employs more than 350 employees, operating in offices in Foster City, Seattle, Cleveland, Chicago, New York, London, Sydney, and Tokyo.
What does BrightEdge cost?


Reviews have indicated BrightEdge plans can be as low as $2,500 to as high as $6,000 per month. Effectively, you're looking at a monthly expenses that cost more than an SEMrush annual membership.
Is BrightEdge a good company?


BrightEdge is especially well-suited for enterprise-level organizations who have a bit more money to spend. The product is most definitely worth it if you have a well-established SEO team that is ready to move beyond the fundamentals and really dig into the data-driven decision-making realm. BrightEdge is highly strong.
What does BrightEdge cost?


Reviews have indicated BrightEdge plans can be as low as $2,500 to as high as $6,000 per month. Effectively, you're looking at a monthly expenses that cost more than an SEMrush annual membership.
Where is BrightEdge located?


BrightEdge 8,500+ brands including 3M, Microsoft, Netflix and Nike. The company is situated in San Mateo, CA with offices in New York City, Chicago, and London.
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