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Naologic vs Citation Labs Broken Link Finder

High-level description

Citation Labs Broken Link Finder is a search engine optimization software solution offered by Citation Labs, LLC.

Business impact
What is PubMed used for?


PubMed is a free resource allowing the search and retrieval of biomedical and life sciences literature with the objective of improving health–both globally and personally. The PubMed database contains more than 32 million citations and abstracts of scientific literature.
What does TIAB mean in PubMed?


PubMed. * = truncation character (wildcard) [tiab] = limit to title or abstract.
How do you cite a PubMed search?


Put the article title into the search box, or provide citation details such as the author, journal name and the year the article was published in the search box and the PubMed citation sensor will automatically analyze your query for citation information to return the right citation.
What is PMID number?


PMID is the PubMed Unique Identifier. This is a 1 to 8 digit number assigned to all records in PubMed. In a PubMed record, the PMID number is displayed at the bottom left of the record. Certain citation styles include the PMID at the conclusion.
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