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Naologic vs CustomerGauge

High-level description

CustomerGauge is a software-as-a-service platform that helps clients improve customer experiences. The system automatically measures customer feedback, analyses it, and provides close-loop tools to retain customers and grow revenue, all based on the industry-standard metric Net Promoter System®. Results are published and analyzed in real-time, using highly customizable and flexible reporting tools making it ideal for global enterprises.For years, B2B companies have had to rely on CX tools oriented for consumer B2C experiences, which fall short of the multi-contact and hierarchical complexities that are the reality of B2B relationships. In a field revolving around B2C CX solutions, CustomerGauge is introducing Account Experience, which the vendor describes as the future of B2B CX.CustomerGauge’s Account Experience (AX) solution is purpose-built to support the needs of B2B companies to transform and monetize their customer experience. With its Monetized Net Promoter® technology and reporting suite, B2B enterprises can automate survey delivery, route powerful insights, prioritize follow-up, predict churn, and monetize their account base.

Business impact
What is a good NPS score?


In an absolute sense, an NPS score above 50 is regarded above average. If you are trying to benchmark your score with competitors using the relative method, an above-average NPS score can range anywhere from 0 to 50+ depending on the industry.
What is NPS tracking?


NPS stands for Net Promoter Score which is a metric used in customer experience initiatives. NPS assesses the loyalty of customers to a company. ... Originally established in 2003 by Bain and Company, it's now used by millions of organizations to measure and track how they're considered by their customers.
How is NPS score calculated?


The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is produced by subtracting the percentage of customers who are detractors from the percentage who are promoters. ... At one end of the range, if when questioned, all of the customers gave a score lower or equal to 6, this would lead to an NPS of -100.
What is a good NPS score for SaaS?


Aside from the industry of your SaaS services, taking into consideration SaaS NPS scores as a whole helps to better understand where your NPS sits. The SaaS industry as a whole has an average NPS score of 31. A score of 50 for a SaaS company would be considered fairly good.
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