High-level description

Cuutio is the flagship search engine optimization platform from the Finnish software company of the same name founded in 2012, that offers organic search ranking analytics, or visibility performance, as well as content and keyword analysis and integration with Google Analytics for a complete study of site performance. Cuutio also touts the ability to show how your content differs from the competition's for better differentiation. 29€ earns one lone user the Starter edition, offering 50 keywords to pour over and 3 competitors to stack against. For 99€ the Business package allows 3 users to obtain city-based results and send each other or themselves custom alerts, as well as more keywords, more competitors, and 10 search engines (as opposed to 1) to study, and 12 months (from 6) of historical data to use. 249€ confers the Professional edition's API access and more of the above, and lifts the cap from history data for 5 users, and for 549€ the Enterprise edition allows 10 users to receive more of everything included in the Professional edition.

Business impact
What is the correct meaning of the curio?


: something (such as a decorative object) deemed novel, rare, or odd : curiosity also : an unusual or bizarre person.
What is curio the app?


“Curio is a premium audio platform with a curated collection of professional journalism. It provides listeners with stories and insights on vital themes influencing our world, helping people learn and grow.
Is Curio a good app?


Curio is highly intuitive, well-made and good value. If you appreciate traditional journalism, assist it adapt to the 21st century using Curio.
How do you use the word curio?


Curios sentence example She spent money freely on purchasing works of art and curios . He had huge collections of Tibetan and Chinese curios and knew the price of them as well as any professional dealer.
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  • SSL everywhere
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