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Naologic vs eRetail Inventory Management

High-level description

eRetail Inventory Management is an inventory management software offering from Bizelo.

Business impact
What is inventory retail?


The retail inventory technique is an accounting method used to assess the worth of a store's merchandise. The retail method offers the ending inventory balance for a store by calculating the cost of inventory compared to the price of the goods.
What is retail stock management?


What Is Retail Inventory Management? Retail inventory management is the process of ensuring you carry merchandise that buyers desire, with neither too little nor too much on hand. By managing inventory, businesses meet customer demand without running out of stock or carrying excess supply.
What is inventory management with example?


Inventory is the accounting of things, component parts and raw materials a firm uses in production, or sells. As a business leader, you perform inventory management in order to guarantee that you have adequate stock on-hand and to recognize when there's a shortfall.
What is inventory management system?


An inventory management system (or inventory system) is the process through which you track your goods across your whole supply chain, from purchase to production to final sales. It determines how you approach inventory management for your firm.
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Infrastructure and security
Infrastructure and security
  • SSL everywhere
  • Automated backups
  • Log scanning and alerts
  • 24/7 monitoring