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Naologic vs Expandable

High-level description

Expandable is a manufacturing oriented cloud-based ERP from the company of the same name headquartered in Santa Clara.

Business impact
What does it mean if someone is expendable?


adjective. If you see someone or something as expendable, you think it is acceptable to get rid of them, leave them, or allow them to be destroyed when they are no longer needed. [formal] Whenever our services cease to be helpful to them, we're expendable.
What is a synonym for expandable?


In this page you can discover 8 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic phrases, and related words for expandable, like: expandible, expansible, attachable, expansile, upgradeable, stackable, and minisd.
What is an expanded definition?


adjective. extended in area, weight, or volume; enlarged: an expanded rendition of a story.
What is expand used for?


1 : to grow or increase in size, number, or amount The airport is expanding. 2 : to open wide : unroll The eagle's wings expanded. 3 : to take up or cause to take up more space Metals expand in heat. 4 : to speak or write about in greater depth Would you expand on that idea?
What do you mean expandable?


expandable - able to expand or be expanded. expandible, expansible. expansive - able or tending to expand or characterized by expansion; "Expansive materials"; "the expansive force of fire" 2. expandable - (of gases) capable of expansion.
What does it mean if someone is expendable?


adjective. If you see someone or something as expendable, you think it is acceptable to get rid of them, leave them, or allow them to be destroyed when they are no longer needed. [formal] Whenever our services cease to be helpful to them, we're expendable.
What is the expanding mean?


1 : to open up : unfold. 2 : to raise the extent, number, volume, or scope of : enlarge. 3a : to express at length or in greater detail. b : to write out in full expand all abbreviations. c : to subject to mathematical expansion expand a function in a power series.
Can humans expendable?


The meaning of expendable is someone or anything that is disposable or not required or important. A person who contributes nothing to a project and who is thus not necessary to complete it is an example of someone who is expendable.
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