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Naologic vs Fulcrum

High-level description

Fulcrum is a no-code mobile data collection and workflow automation platform that enables organizations to improve the safety, quality, and efficiency of their field operations. The SaaS platform enables non-developers to build custom apps to streamline their workflows and gain location-based insights in order to make better, faster, more data-driven decisions. The vendor states their customers rely on Fulcrum to ensure safety and quality, stay compliant, protect property and secure assets, maintain and enhance existing infrastructure, and keep new infrastructure projects on-time and on-budget.

Business impact
What is a fulcrum example?


The definition of a fulcrum is a pivot point around which a lever rotates, or something that plays a central role in or is in the center of a situation or action. A pivot point around which a lever turns is an example of a fulcrum. A person around whom all activity revolves is an example of the fulcrum.
What do we mean by Fulcrum?


fulcrum \FULL-krum\ noun. 1 a : prop; specifically : the support about which a lever turns. b : one that supplies capability for action. 2 : a portion of an animal that functions as a hinge or support.
What is a fulcrum in physics?


The fulcrum is the point on which the beam pivots. When an effort is put to one end of the lever, a weight is applied at the other end of the lever. This will drive a mass higher.
What is the fulcrum of a sentence?


the pivot about which a lever turns. (1) A see-saw balances at its fulcrum. (2) The choice is the strategic fulcrum of the Budget. (3) There was a fulcrum moment when the arguments tipped decidedly in one direction.
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