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High-level description

galleryManager is an inventory management software offering. It includes features such as consignments and sales and invoicing.

Business impact
How much do gallery managers make?


The salaries of Art Gallery Managers in the US range from $51,000 to $127,632 , with a median pay of $100,363 . The middle 50% of Art Gallery Managers makes between $100,363 and $109,260, with the top 83% getting $127,632.
What does the art gallery manager do?


Art gallery managers oversee the planning, production and maintenance of shows in their gallery. They organize programs and employees for their gallery needs, and may also arrange for art pieces to be moved. They need a degree in art management or a related discipline.
How much does a commercial Art Gallery Manager?


The highest compensation for an Art Gallery Manager in India is ₹85,000 per month. The lowest income for an Art Gallery Manager in India is ₹85,000 per month.
How much do gallery managers make?


The salaries of Art Gallery Managers in the US range from $51,000 to $127,632 , with a median pay of $100,363 . The middle 50% of Art Gallery Managers makes between $100,363 and $109,260, with the top 83% getting $127,632.
What does the art gallery manager do?


Art gallery managers oversee the planning, production and maintenance of shows in their gallery. They organize programs and employees for their gallery needs, and may also arrange for art pieces to be moved. They need a degree in art management or a related discipline.
How much do gallery directors make?


Salary Ranges for Art Gallery Directors The salaries of Art Gallery Directors in the US range from $10,299 to $277,666 , with a median pay of $50,056 . The middle 57% of Art Gallery Directors makes between $50,056 and $125,856, with the top 86% making $277,666.
How much do art directors get paid?


How Much Does an Art Director Make? Art Directors made a median salary of $94,220 in 2019. The best-paid 25 percent made $130,330 that year, while the lowest-paid 25 percent made $69,110.
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