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Naologic vs Infor CloudSuite Corporate

High-level description

Infor CloudSuite Corporate is a cloud ERP solution specifically designed for Tier 1 companies to automate business operations.

Business impact
What does Infor company do?


Infor is a New York-based vendor of ERP and other corporate business software. It is noted for a broad line of dozens of products, many of them older platforms purchased from other firms, and for strong offerings in industry areas such as food and beverage, process manufacturing, distribution and healthcare.
What is Infor ERP?


Infor ERP is company-wide, cloud multi-tenant, industry-specific software for accounting and financial management, supply chain, and business process management in many functional areas. ERP is enterprise resource planning. ... Infor enterprise software is built on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud platform.
Who are infor competitors?


Infor's competitors Infor's biggest competitors are Aptean, Lumen, Yonyou, IFS, Microsoft, Epicor Software and NetSuite. Infor is a firm providing enterprise resource planning cloud technologies.
What is Lawson Software used for?


Lawson delivers software and service solutions in the manufacturing, distribution, maintenance and service sector industries globally where we implement and manage value adding Enterprise Software for our clients. We think we offer more value per dollar invested than any other ERP firm.
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Free lifetime updates
  • Open source design system
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Infrastructure and security
Infrastructure and security
  • SSL everywhere
  • Automated backups
  • Log scanning and alerts
  • 24/7 monitoring