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Naologic vs Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine)

High-level description

Infor CloudSuite Industrial (formerly Syteline) is a Microsoft-based ERP solution focused on inventory and materials management with either on-premise or cloud deployment.

Business impact
What is CloudSuite industrial?


Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine) is a full-featured, comprehensive ERP application that can be implemented both on-premise and in the Cloud. Infor CloudSuite Industrial is a full-featured, robust ERP product that can be deployed on-premise and in the Cloud.
How much does Infor SyteLine cost?


SyteLine Price Overview SyteLine pricing starts at $150.00 per feature, per month. They do not have a free version. SyteLine offers a free trial.
What is Infor enterprise resource planning?


Infor ERP is a robust package of enterprise resource planning (ERP) tools designed to help distribution and manufacturing organizations operate core company activities. ... Infor's CloudSuites are complete industry suites oriented for manufacturing, service and distribution industries.
What industry is Infor?


Enterprise softwareInfor
What is CloudSuite industrial?


Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine) is a full-featured, comprehensive ERP application that can be implemented both on-premise and in the Cloud. Infor CloudSuite Industrial is a full-featured, robust ERP product that can be deployed on-premise and in the Cloud.
What is Infor ERP?


Infor ERP is company-wide, cloud multi-tenant, industry-specific software for accounting and financial management, supply chain, and business process management in many functional areas. ERP is enterprise resource planning. ... Infor enterprise software is built on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud platform.
How much does Infor SyteLine cost?


SyteLine Price Overview SyteLine pricing starts at $150.00 per feature, per month. They do not have a free version. SyteLine offers a free trial.
What industry is Infor?


Enterprise softwareInfor
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