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Naologic vs Kissflow

High-level description

According to the vendor, Kissflow is a cloud-based business process management and workflow management software that enables business users to create an unlimited number of automated business applications with a smart, intuitive and easy-to-use interface. The vendor’s value proposition is that Kissflow is designed in such a way that it makes it easy even for non-technical people to create applications as per their requirements, in just 15 minutes. The vendor says this is made possible because Kissflow does not demand coding or complex mapping.The vendor has 10,000+ customers across 121 countries. Kissflow comes with more than 50 ready-to-use applications. It is also deeply integrated with Google Apps. This solution is rated #1 on the Google Apps Marketplace.

Business impact
What is Kissflow software?


Kissflow is a cloud-based forms automation solution developed by OrangeScape Technologies that automate business processes and tracks performance. ... It covers human resources (HR) process management including employee onboarding, time sheet management, vacation request approvals and invoice approval workflow.
What is Kissflow used for?


Kissflow utilizes cloud-based business process automation to automate repetitive rule-based processes with convenience, flexibility, and accuracy. This easy BPM automation software removes manual duties and provides visibility as well as tracking for operations.
How much does Kissflow cost?


The Standard Version of Kissflow starts at $9 a month per user with a minimum of 10 users. Bulk pricing is available for businesses with over 100 users. Discounted pricing is available for educational and nonprofit groups. A 14-day free trial is available.
What is a workflow Kissflow?


Definition of Workflow A Workflow is a sequence of actions that processes a collection of data. ... Anytime data is exchanged between humans and/or computers, a workflow is generated. Workflows are the paths that describe how something gets from being undone to done, or raw to processed.
What is Kissflow used for?


Kissflow is a cloud-based forms automation system created by OrangeScape Technologies that automate business processes and tracks performance. It is ideal for business of all sizes and industries. Kissflow enables initiate process requests, view items that require user actions and approve pending tasks.
What is Kissflow software?


Kissflow is well recognized as the easy SaaS workflow management and BPM software that employs Google App engine to deliver the platform of Software as a Service. This platform features 48workflow applications that can be personalized easily or utilized as a template to develop new workflow applications.
How much does Kissflow cost?


The Standard Version of Kissflow starts at $9 a month per user with a minimum of 10 users. Bulk pricing is available for businesses with over 100 users. Discounted pricing is available for educational and nonprofit groups. A 14-day free trial is available.
What is the purpose of workflows?


By 'workflow' we imply a sequence of tasks that are part of some bigger activity, and is sometimes synonymous with 'business process'. The purpose of a workflow is to achieve some outcome, and the purpose of workflow management is to obtain better results according to some set of goals.
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