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Naologic vs MarketSnare

High-level description

MarketSnare is a search engine optimization tool from Cirrus ABS, a web developing and consulting firm founded back in 1995, that is dedicated to improving a company's rank and presence in organic local searches. Obviously it's for businesses that want to be more easily found by persons nearby, and who would do this through a partner network to canvas the spaces where locals might look for one's particular type of business. With MarketSnare, a user can get an overview of ROI across the member network (i.e. all the places one's business appears), and also zoom in and see what particular partners bring in the most leads, and what partners lag, as well as manage SEO across satellites from a central dashboard. As Cirrus ABS has served Fortune 500 companies, they boast an enterprise-level SEO and partner network management solution in MarketSnare, and offer a demonstartion of MarketSnare's capabilities.

Business impact
What is market share in simple words?


Important Takeaways. Market share denotes the proportion of an industry, or a market's total sales, that is obtained by a particular company over a specified time period. Market share is calculated by taking the company's sales throughout the period and dividing it by the entire sales of the industry over the same period.
What is the meaning of market share in business?


Market share is the percentage of total sales (by value) or total output that a business has in a particular market. For example, for many years Coca Cola has enjoyed a market share of roughly 40-45% of sales of carbonated drinks in the United States.
How do you determine market share?


A firm's market share is its sales calculated as a percentage of an industry's total revenues. You can determine a company's market share by dividing its total sales or revenues by the industry's total sales for a fiscal period. Use this measure to gain a basic notion of the size of a company compared to the industry.
What is market share and why is it important?


Why is a true, unbiased measurement of your market share so important? Because market share is a vital sign of market competitiveness, it enables executives to judge total market growth or decline, detect key trends in consumer behavior and see their market potential and market opportunity.
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