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Naologic vs MicroStrategy Analytics

High-level description

The MicroStrategy platform differs somewhat from competing platforms in that it does not include a data warehouse. The platform integrates with a wide range of third-party data warehouses however. MicroStrategy also built a free discovery/visualization tool called MicroStrategy Analytics Desktop, which is not completely integrated with the rest of the platform. MicroStrategy has strong mobile and cloud capabilities which are differentiators for the platform. MicroStrategy's cloud offerings are unique in that they host the software in their own data centers and allow customers to keep their data on-premise to alleviate security concerns. Analytics is a platform for Business Intelligence (BI) and self-service analytics. It enables organizations worldwide to analyze the vast amounts of data stored across their enterprises to make better business decisions. MicroStrategy currently has 3 versions: MicroStrategy Analytics Enterprise: Enterprise-grade business intelligenceMicroStrategy Analytics Desktop: Free self-service visual analyticsMicroStrategy Analytics Express: Free cloud-based self-service visual analytics

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