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Naologic vs MIP Fund Accounting

High-level description

MIP Fund Accounting is a configurable fund accounting solution that allows users to report and track finances, streamline processes, and scale and grow based on your unique needs. MIP is the accounting software of choice, with cloud or on-premises deployment options, and designed to meet and handle the complex accounting needs of nonprofit financial management. MIP's integrated software solution suite provides general ledger, accounts payable and receivable, budgeting, payroll, human resources, allocations management, procurement, fixed assets, grant management, and advanced security functionality. The solution enables users to manage and report on multiple cost centers at the general ledger level including multiple organizations, funds, projects, grants, programs, departments, locations, etc. MIP Fund Accounting exclusively serves the financial management and fund accounting needs for nonprofits and government agencies with its complete, end-to-end suite of functionality and multi-segmented chart of accounts. The company states that with the right fund accounting platform and expert guidance, users can track unlimited funds, manage complex reporting requirements, streamline productivity, and make the right data-driven business decisions for an organization.

Business impact
What is an MIP fund?


A monthly income plan (MIP) is a type of mutual fund strategy that invests largely in debt and equities securities with a mandate of producing cash flows and preserving capital. ... Hence, it is often suitable to retired folks or older adults who do not have other substantial sources of monthly income.
How much does Abila cost?


Additionally, FastFund Accounting pricing starts at $42 a month, and its Premium plan at $94 per month. IconCMO cost price goes for $35 a month, and ShelbyNext Financials is $79 per month. Mid-sized organizations would have to pay between $150 and $585 for Nonprofit software.
What is public fund accounting?


Fund accounting is the method governments manage income with purpose constraints against the expenditures made for certain g p purposes. • Fund accounting makes it easier to identify which resources are accessible for specific reasons.
What does Abila MIP mean?


MIP Fund Accounting® (previously Abila MIP) software is the premier fund accounting and financial management software solution used by NGOs to plan budgets, maximize their grants, monitor payroll, and create accurate, bespoke reports in minutes!
What does MIP accounting stand for?


MIP. Monthly Investment Plan. Business, Finance, Commerce.
What are the types of fund accounting?


Four fund types are utilized to account for a government's “governmental- type” activities. These are the general fund, special revenue funds, debt service funds, and capital projects funds. Basis of Accounting: All governmental funds are accounted for using the modified accrual basis of accounting.
What is governmental fund accounting?


Fund accounting is the method governments manage income with purpose constraints against the expenditures made for certain g p purposes. • Fund accounting makes it easier to identify which resources are accessible for specific reasons.
What does Abila MIP mean?


MIP Fund Accounting® (previously Abila MIP) software is the premier fund accounting and financial management software solution used by NGOs to plan budgets, maximize their grants, monitor payroll, and create accurate, bespoke reports in minutes!
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Infrastructure and security
  • SSL everywhere
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