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Naologic vs Ninja Outreach

High-level description

Ninja Outreach is a search engine optimization software solution offered by Ninja Outreach.

Business impact
How does Ninja outreach work?


Ninja Outreach is an influencer marketing outreach program that links digital marketers and small businesses with the proper bloggers and social media influencers who can help them promote their brands and expand their online presence in a more organic way than traditional advertising.
Is influencer marketing effective?


80% of marketers say influencer marketing is effective, and 89% say it works just as well (if not better) than traditional marketing channels. ... The top three aims of influencer marketing for organizations include boosting brand awareness (85%), reaching new audiences (71%), and producing sales and conversions (64%).
How does Ninja outreach work?


Ninja Outreach is an influencer marketing outreach program that links digital marketers and small businesses with the proper bloggers and social media influencers who can help them promote their brands and expand their online presence in a more organic way than traditional advertising.
Is influencer marketing effective?


80% of marketers say influencer marketing is effective, and 89% say it works just as well (if not better) than traditional marketing channels. ... The top three aims of influencer marketing for organizations include boosting brand awareness (85%), reaching new audiences (71%), and producing sales and conversions (64%).
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Free lifetime updates
Free lifetime updates
  • Open source design system
  • Automated feature upgrades
  • Templates
  • Security updates
Infrastructure and security
Infrastructure and security
  • SSL everywhere
  • Automated backups
  • Log scanning and alerts
  • 24/7 monitoring