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Naologic vs Panguin Tool

High-level description

Panguin Tool is a search engine optimization software solution offered by Barracuda Digital Marketing Agency.

Business impact
How to Check if your site has been Penalized by Google?


On Google, search for site: and verify the results. If Google states that there are no results discovered, it is quite likely your website has been punished. Lastly analyze the SEO team or agency's procedures.
What SEO means?


Search engine optimization (SEO) is the art and science of getting pages to rank higher in search engines such as Google. Because search is one of the key ways in which people discover material online, ranking higher in search engines can lead to an increase in traffic to a website.
What is Google Penalty Check?


A Google penalty checker tool helps detect if you've been hurt by an algorithmic update or manual action, pinpoints the source, and provides insight into how to repair the problem.
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Free lifetime updates
Free lifetime updates
  • Open source design system
  • Automated feature upgrades
  • Templates
  • Security updates
Infrastructure and security
Infrastructure and security
  • SSL everywhere
  • Automated backups
  • Log scanning and alerts
  • 24/7 monitoring