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Naologic vs PhiConnect

High-level description

PhiConnect is an inventory management software offering from PhiConnect. It includes features such as two-step invoicing enables the separate management of pending orders and completed orders.

Business impact
Is CHED and DepEd the same?


The three regulating authorities in the education sector are the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) for tertiary and graduate education, the Department of Education (DepEd) for basic education, and the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) for technical-vocational and middle level education.
What is the purpose of CHED?


The Commission on Higher Education is the Philippine government's institution in entrusted with promoting relevant and quality higher education, assuring access to excellent higher education, and guaranteeing and defending academic freedom for continued intellectual progress, advancement of study and research, development of ...
What is flexible learning CHED?


Flexible learning is defined in CHED's memorandum order No. 04 as “a pedagogical approach permitting flexible time, location, and audience, but not only centered on the use of technology... The design and delivery of programs satisfy learner's individual needs in terms of place, pace, process, and learning.”
What is CHED program?


It aspires to sustain/develop quality of higher education institutions (HEIs) by enhancing their teaching, research and. service activities to enhance nation building and national development. Pertinent CHED Memorandum Orders: CMO 15, s.
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