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Naologic vs Ponderosa

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Ponderosa is an ERP for the lumber industry from Computer Associates (CAi) in Rhode Island.

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What is Ponderosa in English?


noun. : a tall pine (Pinus ponderosa) of western North America with long needles usually in groups of two or three.
How far is Zion Ponderosa from Zion?


Zion Ponderosa is located 7 miles from the east entrance of Zion National Park, yet our 4,000 acre ranch stands literally on the eastern edge of the park. Is there a hot tub at Zion Ponderosa?
Can you camp in Ponderosa State Park?


Ponderosa State Park offers every kind of overnight experience possible with a range of basic and serviced campsites, or cabins for small or big groups, among a beyond-scenic mountain environment near to Payette Lake. There's always more to explore!
Where did the name Ponderosa come from?


The tireless Scottish botanist and plant explorer David Douglas offered the name Pinus ponderosa based on specimens he gathered near the Spokane River in 1827. His name for the tree was published posthumously in 1836. Ponderosa is from the Latin ponderosus,meaning huge, hefty, or substantial.
What does Ponderosa mean in slang?


He chose the name “ponderosa,” meaning ponderous or heavy, because of its enormous mass. ...
Where did the name Ponderosa come from?


The tireless Scottish botanist and plant explorer David Douglas offered the name Pinus ponderosa based on specimens he gathered near the Spokane River in 1827. His name for the tree was published posthumously in 1836. Ponderosa is from the Latin ponderosus,meaning huge, hefty, or substantial.
What means ponderous?


1 : having extremely considerable weight. 2 : ungainly or awkward due of weight and size. 3 : oppressively or unpleasantly dull : lifeless heavy writing.
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