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Naologic vs ScaleFactor

High-level description

ScaleFactor aims to change the way modern businesses operate by automating complex bookkeeping tasks and translating financial information into usable business insights. As a result, the vendor says they are enabling business owners, managers, and entrepreneurs to focus on what they love: running and growing their business. The vendor's value proposition is that ScaleFactor is the only back office provider creating a holistic business OS that allows users to manage all of their business financials in one place. Additionally the vendor says ScaleFactor's software gives users access to real-time financial information any time.

Business impact
How do you find the scale factor?


To calculate the scale factor, select two corresponding sides, one on each figure. Write the ratio of one length to the other to obtain the scale factor from one figure to the other. In this example, the scale factor from the blue figure to the red figure is 1.6 : 3.2, or 1 : 2.
What is the opposite of a scale factor?


Scaling can be reversed by employing reciprocal factors. If we scale Figure A by a factor of 4 to create Figure B, we can scale B back to A using a ratio of .
What's another name for scale factor?


In the realm of measurements, the scale factor of an instrument is frequently referred to as sensitivity. The ratio of any two corresponding lengths in two similar geometric shapes is also termed a scale.
How do you dilate a figure by 1 4?


If the scaling factor is 1/4, you double each coordinate by 1/4. For example, (-12,16) would become -3,4).
What is a dilation in math?


A dilation (similarity transformation) is a transformation that alters the size of a figure. It requires a center point and a scale factor , k . ... If |k|<1 , the dilation is a reduction. The absolute value of the scale factor controls the size of the new image as compared to the size of the old image.
How do you do scale factor?


To calculate the scale factor, select two corresponding sides, one on each figure. Write the ratio of one length to the other to obtain the scale factor from one figure to the other. In this example, the scale factor from the blue figure to the red figure is 1.6 : 3.2, or 1 : 2.
What is the dilation formula?


Beginning with ΔABC, draw the dilation image of the triangle with a center at the origin and a scale factor of two. Observe that every coordinate of the original triangle has been multiplied by the scale factor (x2). ... The dilation image will be 1/3 of each of these distances. AB = 6, therefore A'B' = 2.
Is dilation bigger or smaller?


A dilation makes a figure larger or smaller but the new resulting figure has the same shape as the original. Dilation: An enlargement or reduction of a figure that preserves shape but not size. All dilations are comparable to the original figure. Dilations have a center and a scale factor.
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