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Naologic vs Tableau Desktop

High-level description

Tableau Desktop aims to allow people to make data-driven decisions with confidence, by helping them answer questions more quickly, solve harder problems more easily, and uncover new insights more frequently. The vendor says that with a couple of clicks, Tableau Desktop connects directly to hundreds of data sources, both on-premises or in the cloud, with the goal of making it easier to start analysis. Interactive dashboards, drag and drop functionality, and natural language queries help users of all skill levels quickly discover actionable insights, all from an intuitive and visual interface. Users can ask deeper questions by quickly building powerful calculations, adding trend lines and seeing statistical summaries, or clustering data to see relationships. Tableau's goal is to help people and organizations become more data-driven. With an integrated platform that is strives to be easy to start and scale, Tableau aims to support the entire analytics journey, from data preparation, to deep analysis, to the shared insights that drive the business forward.

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