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Naologic vs Unleashed

High-level description

Unleashed is an inventory management software offering from Unleashed Software in New Zealand. It includes features such as integrated eCommerce accounting.

Business impact
What mean by unleashed?


transitive verb. 1 : to free from or as if from a leash : let loose unleash the hounds unleashing his rage. 2 : to fling, shoot, or set in motion violently unleashed a fantastic shot ...
What does it mean to unleash yourself?


Frequency: Unleash means to let something go. If you have been relatively calm about difficulties in the past and are suddenly pushed over the brink and reach the end of your patience, yelling at the corporation giving you troubles, this is an example of a time when your wrath is unleashed.
What are synonyms for unleash?


unleash. loose,loosen,release,uncork,unlock,unloose,unloosen.
How do you use the word unleash?


turn loose or free from confinement.
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Infrastructure and security
Infrastructure and security
  • SSL everywhere
  • Automated backups
  • Log scanning and alerts
  • 24/7 monitoring