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Naologic vs VendSoft

High-level description

VendSoft is an inventory management solution with features such as dynamic dispatching and solutions, route management, and cloud-based security.

Business impact
Do vending machines make good money?


Are vending machines lucrative? Yes, vending machines may be profitable. The average vending machine earns $35 a week, but vending machines that are well-stocked and positioned in safe, high-traffic places can generate over $400 a month.
How much does it cost to refill a vending machine?


You will need to load the machine with around 400 drinks, about $100.00-$125.00 in cost, and fill the change mechanism with about $25.00 in change. Your total costs for 1 location, set up and operating, is around $750.00-$800.00. If you sell 50 sodas each day from a machine at $0.50 you will take in 25.00 a day.
Can you put vending machines anywhere?


Note: You can't just set your vending machine anyplace without permission! Most places will require you to obey state and local vending laws. You will typically have to sign a contract with the property owner. Make sure to study up on state and local vending laws when completing your research.
How much does a soda vending machine cost?


How Much Do Vending Machines Cost? The quick answer is between $3,000 and $5,000 for a Coke machine, and approximately $3,000 for a snack machine. But what most people don't realize is that you may obtain vending services for free.
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Free lifetime updates
  • Open source design system
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Infrastructure and security
Infrastructure and security
  • SSL everywhere
  • Automated backups
  • Log scanning and alerts
  • 24/7 monitoring