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Naologic vs Vision Inventory Management

High-level description

Vision Inventory Management is built specifically for companies in the home entertainment, electronics, and publishing industries. It was divested by Aptean and is now owned and supported by Avolin since 2018.

Business impact
What is Visual inventory Control?


About Visual Inventory Software. Visual Inventory Software enables dynamic control of your warehouse. Users get visual verification of every item on every transaction. Bin labels with Item photo and barcode that match the pick ticket ensure proper orders.
What is IMS inventory management system?


The IMS is a modular software platform that aids the work of taking inventory of things in stock, including movement of items among multiple stocks, and inflow and outflow of materials. ...
What is meant by ABC analysis?


ABC analysis is an inventory management technique that assesses the worth of inventory items based on their importance to the business. ABC ranks products on demand, cost and risk data, and inventory mangers arrange items into classes based on those criteria.
What are the 3 major inventory management techniques?


In this post we'll look into the three most prevalent inventory management strategies that most manufacturers run by: the pull strategy, the push strategy, and the just in time (JIT) strategy.
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