Installing connectors

Installing Connectors in Naologic: A Step-by-Step Guide

In Naologic, connectors or APIs offer a valuable way to enhance your projects with dynamic data from external sources. By installing these connectors, you can leverage external data in your apps and make it available to your end-users in the workspace. This guide provides a comprehensive walkthrough on how to install these connectors and utilize them effectively.

Installing a Connector

  1. You can find the connectors on any canvas in your project under the 'External Data API' section. Scroll through the list of available integrations and click 'Install' when you find an integration you want to install.
  2. Once installed, the integration becomes available for use in an app. This integration will then be accessible to your end-users in the workspace.

Utilizing the Connector

  1. Select an action within your app and choose to edit that action. Any action that works with external data and is compatible will have the option to connect specific action functions that relate to this connector.
  2. For instance, if you're using a Stripe payments integration to collect payments at checkout, you would have a corresponding action function that you can tie together with your API. In this way, you're leveraging an external API as opposed to an internal NowLogic data point. The workflow remains the same as if you were working with internal data.

Making the Connector Available in the Workspace

  1. After installing the API and publishing your project, the integration becomes available on the workspace. Your users will be able to install and leverage this data directly on the workspace.
  2. On the workspace, there's a section called 'Integrations'. All the integrations installed from the builder are now connected and available on the workspace.

In essence, the builder is the starting point for integrating a connector, which then becomes available directly on the workspace for use.

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