Transform your ERP into an AI-ERP

Grow your revenue and finding operational bottlenecks by asking business questions in natural language and generate reports from your data.

Close deals faster in the remote sales world
Grow Your Business

Automate reporting using AI

Say goodbye to manual reporting, excel exports and hello to your personal AI assistant.

Sales performance
Sales performance
Ask sales questions and find the best accounts to sell to, unpaid invoices and sales reports.
Sales performance
Demand planning
Discover correlation between different graphs and get a better understanding of how they are tied together.
Demand planning
Understand seasonality patterns based on historic performance but also new data points and trends from account performance.
Cash-flow reporting
Find unpaid invoices and understand netting periods for individual accounts or groups of accounts.
Start a free trial today
Cash-flow reporting
AI intelligence

Spot emerging trends in your business data

Logic Pilot understands everything about your business and is ready both with historical and predictive insights.

Learn while prompting
Learn while prompting
Answers contains explanations of the data and interpretation of the business process so you can learn new concepts while generating reports.
Learn while prompting
Industry knowledge
While the AI doesn’t have access to live data Logic Pilot can explain different concepts from supply chain, inventory management and finance as you ask more questions.
Industry knowledge
Proprietary AI model
Our specialized AI model can understand the intricacies of ERP process and process management, and offer suggestions and insights.
Proprietary AI model
Privacy and security
We do not use your data for training purposes.
Start a free trial today
Privacy and security
Transform your digital tools today
Schedule a demo to learn how hundreds of other companies have extended their legacy ERP capabilities.
Free updates weekly
Free updates weekly
  • Automated feature upgrades
  • Ecommerce storefront upgrades
  • Personalized onboarding
  • Security updates
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Infrastructure and security
  • SSL
  • Automated backups
  • 24/7 monitoring
  • GDPR compliance