
Working with Docker Containers in Naologic

In Naologic, Docker containers are used for deploying your project's frontend and backend components to the cloud. These containers, once properly configured, can be deployed to either the shared Naologic cloud or your own private cloud. Each container is attributed its own URL and path, and has an individual configuration. This article will guide you through the process of working with Docker containers in Naologic.

Locating and Understanding Containers

On the left side menu, you will find a tab labeled 'Containers'. Here, you'll find all types of containers that you can utilize in your project. For instance, you might see an API container, which is a backend Docker container, and a frontend container, which is an Angular application that you configure through the builder.

Installing and Connecting Containers

After you've selected the desired container, drag and drop it onto the canvas from the left side menu and give it a unique name to avoid any conflicts with existing applications. If you're installing a frontend container, remember to connect it to a backend. This connection informs the system which backend to query.

In Naologic, it's possible to have multiple frontend Docker containers for each backend, and vice versa. The backend is automatically connected to the database, emailing services, and all other systems accessible through the connectors. Each individual application can have its own apps, and each app can have its own configuration.

Connecting Data in Frontend Applications

Once installed, if it's a frontend application, it needs to be connected to a backend application to ensure the data is appropriately linked.

Working with Docker containers in Naologic provides you with a high level of flexibility and control over your project's deployment and configuration. By understanding how to deploy and connect these containers, you can significantly enhance your project's functionality.

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