Account invoices

In the invoices table, you will find historical records of the charges made by Naologic for subscription and usage (if applicable).

All invoices are downloadable in PDF format.

Account invoices for companies with a Builder Account

Navigate to your Builder Account Settings section and identify the "Account invoices" section. You can access all your information here.

Account invoices for companies without a Builder Account

  1. Navigate to your default avatar/profile picture in the top right of the header
  2. Choose Your account
  3. From the right-hand side menu, click Invoices
  4. Hover over the invoice you wish to download in the table
  5. Click the download icon
  6. The invoice will automatically download and you can find it in the downloads folder on your computer

Above the invoices table, you can find a summary of the your account billing with an aggregation of the total number of billable subscriptions associated with your workspace, the monthly total charge as well as the date for the next charge.

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