Working with Data Structures

Understanding Data Structures

Data structures serve as the foundation for defining and validating data within Naologic applications. These structures act as blueprints, outlining the schema for each data document and specifying the types, properties, and relationships of individual data points. By effectively designing and managing data structures, you can ensure data integrity, consistency, and efficient data management.

Data Structures can be accessed from your Project Canvas by going to the top right and clicking Project Configuration > Data Configuration.

Creating a New Data Structure

Each document in Naologic must reference a data structure. To create a new data structure, click the 'Create Data Structure' button. When creating a new structure, ensure that the name does not conflict with other existing data structures and select the application that this structure will be a part of.

The Role of Validators

Validators play a crucial role in data structures. In the validators section, you can select the type of validators you want from a list of over 20 options. These validators apply to both the front-end and back-end applications automatically. If a key is part of a form, the form will display a specific error before submitting to the back-end if the validation fails. If the key is not part of a form and it's not visible, but it's submitted, you'll see a validation failure message in the console.

Key Considerations When Working with Data Structures

  • Creating and configuring structures: Understand how to define new data structures, add keys, and set data types and properties.
  • Validating data: Implement validators to ensure that data entered into documents adheres to the specified structure.
  • Designing efficient structures: Follow best practices for data structure design to optimize performance and maintainability.
  • Integrating with other components: Understand how data structures interact with forms, tables, and other Naologic elements.

By effectively understanding and utilizing data structures in Naologic, you can establish a solid foundation for your data management practices. Through careful design, validation, and integration, you can ensure data integrity, optimize application performance, and deliver exceptional user experiences.

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